Friday, November 30, 2007

Thanksgiving Update

Hello Everyone, Julie went to Johns Hopkins to see a Neuro-Ophtomologist last week. They told her that her eye problems should be better after the surgery. Ultimately they said her vision could get worse, stay the same, or get better. We are staying optimistic. She is still waiting to hear back from two other Neurosurgeons in New York and Philadelphia, just to make sure that everyone is on the same page. So far she feels most comfortable with the team at Johns Hopkins, especially Dr. Murphy. She has another appointment with him next Wednesday, December 5th to schedule surgery and go over details. Again, she just wants to thank everyone for their support and prayers. Julie is lucky to have such a wonderful support team with her friends and family behind her to keep her spirits up.

Thursday, November 8, 2007

Dr. Kilian Murphy & Julie's Update

Hello everyone, Julie has been getting second opinions from the DC areas top doctors. Last week she went up to John Hopkins to meet with the interventional neuroradiologists director, Dr. Cilian Murphy. He was wondeful and very understanding and supportive. His approach was much different then Dr. Banks' at Washington Hospital Center.This week, John Hopkins Neurology department will be meeting to discuss special cases, Julies in paticular... Hopefully they will be coming out with great results. We will keep you all updated. Again, thank you everyone for all of your support. You have no idea how much it means to Julie. She loves each and every one of you.

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Julie's Home

Julie is home and doing well! The angiogram went very well and she had some positive feed back. She has a few options and is getting a second opinion from Dr. Watson at Georgetown University Medical Center tomorrow morning. She is happy to be home with her super sweet husband, Cory. I'll update you tomorrow and Julie thanks you all for your support.

It's Just Me & My Buddy (I'm singing!)

Julie is having her angiogram today at The Washington Hospital Center. The procedure determines the best way to approach the aneurysm. She is a potential candidate for the following; coiling, clipping, or re-routing of the carotid artery. Unfortunately, due to the location, there may be nothing they can do. Needless to say, the uncertainty of her future has taken a toll; she is mentally and physically drained. I intend to update you this evening with regards to Dr. Bank's assessment and how she is feeling.

Explaining the situation to everyone over and over is extremely tiresome and keeps her in a funk. To all you that have contacted her in some form, she thanks you. Your support has made a huge difference, it makes her smile and she doesn't feel so alone in all this. The best way to contact her is by email, however, it may take some time before she can respond, please do not let this deter you as it keeps her spirit up! Please post comments, your warm wishes give her warm fuzzies from head to toe!!!

The picture above is of Julie and her younger brother Joey. Her personality really shines through... fun loving, laid back, and mischievous!!! Please keep her in your thoughts and prayers.

FYI: We nicknamed her cricket in high School... She has the reflexes of "Rain Man", but can't remember how cricket came out of that, but it did!

Thursday, October 18, 2007

Next Step

Julie is preparing for a visit with a new interventional nueroradiologist, Dr. Murphy. He is located at Johns Hopkins Hospital in Baltimore, MD. Her appointment is on Monday during which she hope's to have an angiogram . She is scared, however, she is looking forward to deciding on a Doctor and getting the ball rolling. I'm in the process of making a slide show. Please send pictures of you and Julie to or .